lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Q5 - Anthropogenic Green Fascism

Publicado el 28/09/2013
The fifth question from the September 27th webcast.

The IPCC report of Climate Gate fame has come out today, and scientists are running as far away from it as possible. There has been no global warming, at least since 1998.

More to the point, this environmentalist agenda has been developed since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, in order to shut down his development initiatives. Since then electricity prices have doubled. Recently roughly 20 members of Congress had to oppose the attempt to shut down coal plants.

But the real question is one of energy flux density. Had we continued fission, and fusion development, by now we would have doubled not electricity prices, but rather energy supply and use per person.

The fraud of anthropogenic global warming is now being put into question. Had we not abandoned the progress of energy flux density accessible to human society, we would not have the many present economic and social crises. Could you address this process of recent history?

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