lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Disintegration of the Nation-State(full lecture)

Publicado el 6/2/2013
Presentation at panel 5 at the Feb. 20, 2000 ICLC Schiller Institute conference. Speakers were Dennis Small on "saving the Nation-State is childs play", Linda de Hoyos on "what are our children and what are they doing?", John Hoefle on "prosperity for some, tragedy for all", & Jeff Steinberg on "the architects of the assault on the nation-state. These are some of the essential videos done by the Larouche Movement, all of which should be carefully studied many times over even if possible.. And sharing these everywhere u can is considered a good idea as well..., so please help us to help you and Spread Them Widely. The World needs to Learn a Thing or Two These Days, right..?

1.) 1932 - A True History of the United States
2.) Firewall:
3.) Glass-Steagall, The Complete Story...
4.) - The New Dark Age -
5.) The Harvard Yard: Fraud of Modern Education
6.) LaRouche Classroom: How to Think to Save The Economy 7.) Ecosystems - A Genocidal Fraud 8.) Plato Versus Aristotle - Economy and Philosophy k For more go to: Donate To LaRouchePAC Now:

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