"Always do what is right, regardless of whether it is popular."
President John F. Kennedy - Profiles in Courage
President John F. Kennedy - Profiles in Courage
The Kesha Rogers for Senate Campaign today announced that it has purchased a barrage of radio ads on 30 radio stations around Texas, for election day. The ads zero in on the Wall Street control of the Democratic Party under Obama, and urge voters to choose Rogers as a means of crushing Wall Street, especially by reinstating Glass-Steagall.
Supplementing the radio barrage is a small army of volunteers which is deployed in cities throughout the state, seeking to bring out the vote for Rogers in a runoff election which, so far, appears to be slated to bring out a very small electorate.
In addition, the campaign has purchased a new round of digital ads, which will appear on the websites of major newspapers such as the Houston Chronicle.
At the same time, candidate Rogers is making several campaign appearances per day, visiting a wide swath of her constituency, ranging from the African-Americans who attended the unveiling of a memorial to Martin Luther King yesterday, a regional meeting of LULAC (Hispanics), and largely white veterans gathered at a VFW hall. In each venue she found people willing to respond to Kesha's leadership, both in facing the depth of the current crisis, and the actual pathway to overcome it.

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