EDITORIAL: Life and Death Issues Confronting Mankind At This Moment
August 16, 2013 • 8:16AM
by Jeff Steinberg
The fight for Glass-Steagall and the growing danger of world war emanating from the Middle East are the life and death issues confronting mankind at this moment. These battles are in midstream and remain unsettled. There have been significant developments over the past hours and days that are important to understand.
The fight for Glass-Steagall was center-stage on Wednesday and Thursday at the national convention of the NCSL in Atlanta. After hardcore hooligan tactics by Wall Street lobbyists drove Delaware State Senator Cloutier to withdraw the Glass-Steagall resolution she had presented, the LaRouchePAC team escalated the fight dramatically. On Wednesday morning, as delegates and lobbyists were boarding the buses taking them from their hotels to the convention site, they were all greeted by the LPAC team, distributing the statement on "Glass-Steagall or America is Doomed." The Wall Street lobbyists were caught totally off guard and scrambled to attempt to get the police to remove us. They failed. As the result, the focus of the entire convention shifted to the Glass-Steagall fight. At receptions on Wednesday night, our organizers got detailed reports on the Wall Street thuggery and generated added support for Glass-Steagall.
On Thursday morning, at the closing plenary session, where resolutions were introduced and voted, a State Representative from Maine introduced a Glass-Steagall amendment, which sparked a total debate/brawl on the floor, with over 500 delegates in attendance. A preliminary report on the two concluding days appears below, pending a much more detailed report from the Atlanta team.

It's Wall Street who has everything to lose.
It is clear that Wall Street is in a total panic, because it is clear that Glass-Steagall is now a winning proposition, and this means they are wiped out. There is growing grass-roots support for Glass-Steagall, as reflected in reports coming in from around the country of the popular mood at town hall campaign events by Members of Congress. There are also signs of an institutional shift, as well, to more overt support for Glass- Steagall. This is the biggest showdown fight that the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy has faced ever, and we have been able to keep the momentum going as we get closer and closer to the end of the Congressional recess.
The momentum for Glass-Steagall, which means death to the oligarchy, is also a key driving factor in the war drive that is playing out in the Middle East. For the past two weeks, top American Generals, from Air Force Chief of Staff Welsh to JCS Chairman Dempsey, have been literally parked in Israel, pressing the Israeli generals and cabinet ministers to refrain from any provocations in Syria or Iran that could lead to a general war, drawing in the United States and Russia, and virtually assuring the ultimate exchange of thermonuclear weapons.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Martin Dempsey.
Dempsey warned his Israeli counterparts, including particularly the Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Ya'alon, that they should cut out the bombings of Russian ammunition dumps in Syria, and abandon any plans to launch unilateral preventive military strikes against Iran. The danger, of course, not only lies in the fact that Netanyahu is a stark raving madman who could go into a flight forward that triggers thermonuclear World War III. The danger further lies in the fact that top factions around the British Crown are far more desperate and insane and could trigger an Israeli breakaway ally assault, sucking both the U.S. and Russia into the vortex of war.
The situation in Egypt has also taken a significant turn in the past 48 hours. Contrary to all Western media accounts, with very few exceptions, the Egyptian Army and National Police only moved to remove the Muslim Brotherhood protesters from the two squares in Cairo after internationally mediated negotiations totally broke down and evidence surfaced that the "protesters" were accumulating significant weapons in the squares. Police were deployed, according to the Egyptian ambassador to the U.S., to create an exit corridor from the squares, when rooftop snipers began firing on them. 43 police were killed in the sniper attacks which triggered the violence that followed.

Signs from Egyptian demonstrations in July.
According to sources on the ground in Egypt, the population is still firmly behind the actions by the Egyptian Army, and are totally fed up with the antics and terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood and their neo-Salafist offshoots. Sources believe that the Muslim Brotherhood will be driven underground, to launch a campaign of low-intensity terrorism, similar to what Egypt went through in the late 1990s. However, they believe that order can be restored overall in the next several days, and the process of rewriting and ratifying the constitution and holding elections may be able to proceed on schedule.
LaRouche emphasized that all of these situations are in flux and must be carefully tracked on an hourly and daily basis. With the Anglo-Dutch and their Wall Street allies in such a state of desperation, nothing is sure, nothing is safe, and it just further underscores the urgency of Glass-Steagall.
Glass-Steagall is, ultimately, the only secure war-avoidance program. Until and unless Wall Street and the Anglo-Dutch system they represent are bankrupted altogether, the world is not safe from their drive for mass genocidal population reduction.
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