viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Campaign 2014: LaRouchePAC Interviews Candidates on Southwestern Water D...

Emitido en directo el 14/02/2014
Liona Fan-Chiang member of the LaRouchePAC "Basement" Science Research team interviews Kesha Rogers, LaRouchePAC endorsed Senate Candidate in Texas, and Michael Steger, LaRouchePAC endorsed precandidate for Congress in San Francisco, on the drought emergency currently hitting the states west of the Mississippi river. The scientific and industrial base of Texas and California must play a critical role in addressing the 500 year drought now raging across the western states. From Thermonuclear NAWAPA XXI to space exploration and fusion power, California and Texas, under new U.S. leadership in Washington, will lead the way in rebuilding the U.S. economy

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