Voice of Russia Interviews LaRouche: 'There Has To Be A New World Order'
August 21, 2014 • 9:21AM
Here is the transcript, as recorded, of Lyndon LaRouche's interview on Aug. 20, with Voice of Russia.
VOICE OF RUSSIA: Hello, good morning, my name is Katherine, I'm calling from Voice of Russia.
LYNDON LAROUCHE: Good, this is Lyndon LaRouche, speaking here.
VOR: Hello Sir! Thank you very much for finding the time to do the interview. Would you like to clarify anything before we start recording, or shall I press the button right now?
LAROUCHE: Let's go!
VOR: First of all, Dr. LaRouche, thank you so much for finding the time to talk to us. And today, I suggest we take a closer look at U.S. foreign policy, all the more so that it is being debated so much. And the general understanding is that President Obama has failed on his foreign policy. How accurate is this assessment?
LAROUCHE: Obama is a complete failure, there's no question about that. But failures can come in various forms. They can careen, shall we say, into a mess. And we don't know exactly how this is going to occur, but obviously, Obama is a mess. If we don't get rid of him in the United States, we could have a much bigger mess. We know the fact that this is not sustainable, that we're going to a new phase of things, with the BRICS in South America and so forth, other parts of the world, China, India, all these areas are now moving in, to provide a sane approach to resolving the problems of our planet. And that's where I am, that's where I worry, that's what I fuss about. I'm concerned about the fact that there are risks, involved in trying to get this thing done right.
VOR: Sir, but what exactly is his failure? Is it the approach which is a failure? Is it his failure to deliver on the approach which could be justified? What is it?
LAROUCHE: The problem is here, is that Russia has a difficult problem to deal with. And I don't want to meddle with the problem, because it's a judgment which has to be made by the leadership of Russia. And therefore, I don't want to introduce my views on the matter, even though I may be sympathetic entirely, to whatever they're doing. But, I would say that, the point is, that what we've got is an interesting picture: You have, all the way from China, which is now one of the greatest powers that ever appeared on this planet, and China's ability to deal with what it's doing now in terms of energy development, is tremendous. So therefore, we've got nations, India, Russia, China, the nations of the BRICS states, these are all nations which are ready to gather together and to begin to solve these problems. And I'm just holding on, to do my part, to try to keep this thing alive and working.
VOR: Sir, I remember, I've been watching one of your recent programs in which you were discussing the helium-3 project by China, and do you think you could remind our listeners about that?
LAROUCHE: What's important, I mean, when you compare, for example, what Russia was doing on the question of development and what China was doing, there were very particular distinctions but there was also convergence. There has been an increasing convergence of Russia's work in trying to come to an agreement with what is going on in Asia in general. So, to me, this is something, we want this, and when I say "we," I mean South America, I mean Asia in general, so forth, we want this. Because we now know we have capabilities, which we can develop, which will solve a lot of these problems. And I'm just one of the many people who wants to get at it and solve these problems! Like this silly thing, the whole silly thing that's going on in Germany, now.
VOR: Sir, but just getting back to Obama's failures and whatever, for a layperson like myself, his foreign policy is not much different from that of George W. Bush. Am I mistaken? I'm not a politician, I'm not a chess player, so to say, but for me, Obama's foreign policy does not look much different from that of George W. Bush, for instance. I mean the approach is...
LAROUCHE: There is a difference. There is a difference. George W. Bush is a thing of the past, this is something much more of the shade of evil.
VOR: What makes me surprised, is that whenever the current U.S. administration, whenever they step in, they create chaos. Is it a deliberate effect, or is it a mistake?
LAROUCHE: It's a British Empire effect.
VOR: What's that?
LAROUCHE: The British Empire runs the whole operation.
VOR: Is it their purpose to create chaos?
LAROUCHE: That's it. That's exactly it.
VOR: What's their interest?
LAROUCHE: Because they control it, they run it!
VOR: Is it a realistic approach to control chaos?
LAROUCHE: It is! It's absolutely an intentional program, to crush everything in sight, and this is what this is about. And what we're dealing with, is trying to figure out on the one hand, how to deal with this kind of threat, with a minimum risk, and that's our problem. I mean, when I look at what faces Putin, for example, in terms of what he has to do from day to day, that's what I'm looking at. I'm looking at the factor of risk: He's constantly dealing with the question of risk. And it's a complicated situation, which means that he has to be constantly, managing on risk.
But the positive thing is, he's got China. He's got India. He represents these things. And in the process, when this thing is cleared, when the smoke is cleared, we're going to find there's going to be a new planet, or something that functions like a new planet, because the old ways are going to go, and they are going to go fast. I'm just waiting for us to get there.
VOR: Sir, but I remember not so long ago, the U.S. was talking about engaging China. Is it still trying to engage China?
LAROUCHE: The point is you've got the President of the United States is a crook! [laughs] So what do you expect?
VOR: The poor guy! [laughs] But how independent is he? I mean, you were saying that chaos is a British project, but there should be an advisor to the U.S. President. He's not a foreign policy expert, is he?
LAROUCHE: Think about it, look at it the way I think about it.
VOR: Mm-hmm!
LAROUCHE: We have South America: Now South America has now become a collection, of BRICS, a matter of nations which are piling in together, for mutual defense and mutual development; we're finding similar things in Africa, as the [Suez] thing in Africa. We're finding the fact, what's happening in terms of India, all these nations, all these groups of nations are converging on a single result, that is the creation of a new system of government, among the nations of the planet. And that's what we're struggling for.
VOR: Sir, in the latest developments around Israel, are they part of the reaction to this attempt to create a new system? The latest developments around Israel, the Middle East, the thing is exploding now.
LAROUCHE: Israel is a mess.
VOR: Absolutely. Why?
LAROUCHE: It's a hopeless mess, and it'll have to be sorted out in the whole process. It's gone crazy. Israel has become a crazy nation. It has no respectability any more.
VOR: But has it become a crazy nation on its own?
LAROUCHE: Because, what happened is — you know, I was very close to a lot of people in the Israeli community, during the immediate postwar period. And I had leading members of the movement of that time, I was part of that. I wasn't a member, but I agreed with them, and I agreed that their efforts were worthwhile, and I thought that their efforts could lead to a peaceful solution, to that region. And we came very close to it.
But, then we had the right wing came in, in Israel, and when the right wing came in in Israel, the whole thing has been going to Hell since that time.
VOR: Hmm. And talking about Israel and the Middle East, do I get you right, that all those wars that are going on now, are, shall we put it — I don't know, the process of birth of the new world order?
LAROUCHE: There is, or there has to be, a new world order. The new world order is based on — not on what most people think would be a new world order. The point is, it's very simple, there are certain nations which must come together, they already are trying to come together, they are trying to be independent of this nonsense that goes on. But you look at, India, India's independence, this is tremendous! China: China's achievement is enormous! We haven't even begun to see how important China is, in terms of helium-3, for example, its development. So therefore, we are on the edge, of the greatest triumph for mankind, ever. We just have to make it.
VOR: But then what happens to the currently dominant nations? To the U.K., to the U.S.?
LAROUCHE: When I think of my old friends from Russia, my old friends, I think of them as being my old friends from Russia still fighting it out, trying to win that battle, and I just keep hoping they're going to make it! Because, they can do it.
VOR: Sir, but in that case, when those big nations, I mean the U.K. and the U.S., when they are cornered, are they prone to extreme steps, like nuclear war?
VOR: Why not?
LAROUCHE: Because they would be all mutually destroyed.
VOR: Do they care about that?
LAROUCHE: Yes, they do.
VOR: Is it a reason why they didn't start war on Iran?
LAROUCHE: It's just because they're so corrupt, they don't know what they're doing, often! [laughs] The President of the United States is one of the most corrupt persons on the planet! So, what do you want?
VOR: But, we're talking about, that he needs to go, that he...
LAROUCHE: He needs to go! He needs to be thrown out of office, there's no question about it!
VOR: But who's going to replace him then?
LAROUCHE: Almost anyone! [laughs] If I happen to walk in there, I'm sure I could do it.
VOR: Okay, but is there any guarantee that if you don't walk in there, that another person would not be as corrupt?
LAROUCHE: No. The problem, essentially, what you're looking at, you're looking at a probable breakdown of failed Presidents, failed leaders. And these failed leaders are just going to fall off, one after the other.
VOR: Mm-hmm.
LAROUCHE: And the danger that I see, is chaos.
VOR: What do we do to prevent it?
LAROUCHE: Victory. For example, I would take the case of Putin. Putin will do an excellent job. But! Putin has to manage himself very carefully, in a very complex situation, so that he does not fall into something that can be turned into a trap.
VOR: Mm-hmm.
LAROUCHE: So, my concern is, I'm all for Putin! Because he's doing the right thing. I don't know if I agree with him on everything he says or does or so forth, but I know what is needed. Because the cooperation of Russia, China, and India, together with the BRICS nations, and now this includes Africa, this is now what is going to be the future of mankind.
VOR: Sir, my last question: Does that imply a change of ideology?
LAROUCHE: Absolutely.
VOR: What kind of ideology should be...?
LAROUCHE: A new conception of mankind.
VOR: Do you happen to have any ideas on that?
VOR: Could you share it?
LAROUCHE: Yes, I do! [laughs] I do. The point is, that mankind needs that kind of change, and I think, we're ready for it. I think that the best-thinking people on this planet, who may be relatively few in number, but in terms of what their influence is, these guys better get in there quick, because we need them.
VOR: Sir, thank you so much.
LAROUCHE: Thank you.
VOR: I was also, by the way, I was also thinking of asking you about — I remember one of your latest articles, you were saying that the 9/11 has been a turning point in the world politics.
VOR: And you also said that if the general public could peek into the results of the investigation, they would find amazing — well, revelations. You said that people would realize who actually are their friends and their foes.
LAROUCHE: Well, take a case of some of my friends from Russia, who are old friends of mine, who are leaders now there in Russia, well, they know what they're doing! And they do an excellent job. They work under great difficulties, which are poured in, and my view is, I want them to win! Because I know, their winning, means that we have a new arrangement for mankind on this planet.
VOR: And the 9/11? What about the 9/11? What's could be a sensational revelation about 9/11?
LAROUCHE: 9/11? Get rid of it!
VOR: Okay! [laughs] Thank you so much, sir. It was a pleasure talking to you.
LAROUCHE: Have fun.
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